Our events at a glance:

HIDA Event Formats

The Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy offers a wide range of events - from conferences to hackathons. They are open to Helmholtz scientists and the interested scientific public. Get an overview of our events here.

Check out our Events and Become Part of the HIDA Community

HIDA offers various lecture series, conferences, hackathons, career events, summer schools and is present at important conferences - on-site, hybrid and digital. In addition, HIDA is a cooperation partner at a wide range of events. Find out more about our event portfolio and become part of our HIDA community - as a participant or partner! 

HIDA Lectures on AI and Large Language Models

The increased use of AI and large-scale language models will fundamentally change both science and our daily lives.

HIDA organises a monthly lecture series to provide participants with important information on these topics. All speakers are highly qualified scientists from the Helmholtz Association and its partners.

Learn more about our Hackathons

Our Hackathons

Would you like to learn more about our hackathons and challenges? Then you can get an overview of past and upcoming events here.


Past Hackathons

Helmholtz GPU Hackathon 2024, 15.04.2024,  23.04.- 26.04.2024

HIDA Hackathon on Computer Vision, 27.02. - 29.02.2024

Helmholtz GPU Hackathon 2023, 02.05.2023, 09.05.-11.05.2023

Data Challenge: Help a Hematologist out, 14.09.-23.09.2022

Helmholtz GPU Hackathon 2022, 21.-31.03.2022

Internationale KI-Challenge Archäologie, 26.04.-27.04.2022

Helmholtz Herbst Hackathon, 18.-21.09.2021 

International Virtual COVID-Data Challenge, 28.-29.04.2021 

HIDA Datathon for Grand Challenges on Climate Change, 5.-6.11.2020

#HIDAclimatechallenge, 03.-04.04.2020


Our next Events


On this page we will inform you in time about the next issue. Don't miss any events with our newsletter!


Hackathons & Challenges

Working together in a team on a data science task, tackling real research problems and achieving relevant results - at a hackathon or datathon, young data science talents can demonstrate their know-how and at the same time establish important networks. HIDA organizes numerous hackathons and challenges (live, hybrid and online) and supports hackathons as a cooperation partner. We can help you with our expertise in planning, implementing and promoting your event. 

Find out how we can support you with your Data Science Challenge here.

Learn more about our Career Events

Our Career Events

Are you planning your next career steps in the field of Information & Data Science and would like to find out about job opportunities in the Helmholtz Association or at partner organisations? Visit our career events!

Past Events

Helmholtz Career Day for Data Science and IT 2023 - 22.11.2023

Helmholtz Data Science Career Day 2022

HIDA Data Science Jobs for Health, 17.03.2022

Helmholtz Data Science Career Day 2021

Helmholtz Data Science Career Day 2020 


Next Event

On this page we will inform you in time about the next issue. Don't miss any events with our newsletter!


Career Events

Data Science talents from Germany and all over the world can find out about a career in data science at Helmholtz with HIDA: Every year, we organize the Helmholtz Data Science Career Day with an exciting conference programme on the topic of career paths in data science: a large number of Helmholtz Centres and partner institutions present themselves with their job opportunities.

HIDA also offers specialized career events tailored to the various Helmholtz research fields.

Learn more about our Lecture Series

Our Lecture Series

Stay on top of current data science research and learn about interesting approaches and issues in data science related to all research fields of the Helmholtz Association. Learn more about our lecture series here!


HIDA Lecture Series: Lectures in cooperation with the six Helmholtz Information & Data Science Schools and experts from the field of data science with reference to the respective research focus of the schools.


HMC Fair Friday: A cooperation with the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration and high-ranking national and international speakers on issues of FAIR handling of data. The series aims at experienced actors in research data management as well as scientists from all research fields of the Helmholtz Association and beyond.


DKFZ Data Science Seminar: This series is a DKFZ-wide project that brings together leading scientists in the field of data science to discuss both methodological advances and medical applications.

Data Science Lectures

Together with the six Helmholtz Data Science Research Schools, HIDA has launched the HIDA Lecture Series, where renowned, international data scientists from the different research fields talk about their research. HIDA is also a partner in other data science lecture series: the HMC Fair Friday and the DKFZ Data Science Seminar.

The lectures are open to all interested parties within and outside the Helmholtz Association.

Learn more about our Helmholtz Suimmer School

Helmholtz Summer School

The five Helmholtz Incubator Platforms Helmholtz AIHelmholtz ImagingHIFIS, HIDA and HMC have teamed up to create a second edition of the Helmholtz Incubator Summer Academy!

They have designed a joint program with a variety course packages covering state of the art Data Science methods and skills, as well as networking opportunities in our Summer Academy Gathertown space!

Learn more about TEACH

TEACH - Talk about Education Across Communities in Helmholtz

The promotion of young scientists is a central component of the Helmholtz mission. Therefore, the development and management of training programmes and courses for PhD researchers, postdocs or research groups is particularly important. TEACH is an annual networking event for employees at Helmholtz Centres working in this context. It allows them to meet and network across centres and topics to share best practices and experiences, develop new ideas together, and share teaching and learning materials.

Learn more about Helmholtz Entrepeneurs

Helmholtz Entrepeneurs

The Helmholtz Entrepreneurs talks is a cooperation between Helmholtz, Helmholtz AI and HIDA. At these events, scientists working at Helmholtz can learn/refresh the basics of entrepreneurship and then network with the invited founders.

Learn more about our Conferences

Conferences with HIDA

HIDA organises conferences to promote the networking of data scientists in the Helmholtz Association or participates in external conferences to present the Helmholtz Association's offerings in the Information & Data Sciences. Learn more about these activities here!


Past Conferences

HIDA Annual Conference 2021

HIDA@BigData AI Summit 2021

HIDA@re:publica 2020




Conferences with HIDA

HIDA offers all Helmholtz scientists, and especially doctoral researchers and postdocs, opportunities for exchange and knowledge transfer at the HIDA Annual Conference. HIDA also participates in other conferences and major events as a partner in order to represent the Helmholtz Association to outside parties in matters of education and training in the data sciences and to present its offerings.

Info Sessions with HIDA

With our Info-Sessions we inform interested applicants how to participate in the HIDA Research Grants Trainee Network and Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant, the exchange programmes with Israel and Norway, about the Course Funding and about further activities. You can find more information on the respective pages or in our event overview.

Do you have further questions or would you like to plan an event with us? Then please contact us!


Viktoria Schwarze
Strategic Program & Events Manager

Dr. Stephanie Schworm
Training Program Manager


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