
HMC Fair Friday

Freitag, 09.12.2022 · 13:00

FAIR for Research Software

Referentin: Dr. Leyla Jael Castro

Abstract: In this talk we will introduce the FAIR for Research Software principles (as defined by the Research Data Alliance Working Group FAIR4RS in 2022) and will guide the audience on some resources proving support to apply them to your own research software.

HERMES: Easing the path to FAIR software publications

Referent: Oliver Bertuch

Abstract: Research software must be formally published to satisfy FAIR principles and unlock academic credit. Publication repositories enable this and provide PIDs for software versions, but only through tedious, mostly manual process.

The HERMES project develops tools and automatable workflows, distributed as open source software to streamline this process. We follow a push-based model and run in continuous integration infrastructures.

Rich descriptive metadata is the key element to useful software publications. We harvest existing metadata from source code repos and connected platforms, then process, collate and present them for curation, thus preparing software for automatic submission to publication repositories.

This talk will outline our concept, describe the current state of development, and detail on "research software readiness" of our target platforms.

Zur Anmeldung

Um den interdisziplinären Austausch anzuregen und zu unterstützen, organisiert die Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration HMC in Kooperation mit der HIDA die Vortragsreihe HMC FAIR Friday. Sie richtet sich an erfahrene Akteure im Forschungsdatenmanagement sowie Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aller Forschungsbereiche der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft und darüber hinaus.

HMC FAIR Friday bietet Vorträge von hochrangigen nationalen und internationalen Referentinnen und Referenten, die einem die Welt von FAIRen Daten (noch) näher bringen, einzelne Aspekte vertiefen und zu Diskussionen anregen.


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