Going deep with data science to better understand - and protect - the largest habitat on our planet. The Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science (MarDATA) bundles scientific marine expertise in the far north.
Data Science for the Ocean
MarDATA offers young scientists the unique opportunity to develop data science methods specifically for the study of the ocean. This combination of Data Science and marine science is unique in Germany.

MarDATA in portrait
Research at MarDATA
Our school report Expedition to the World's Northernmost Settlement provides insight into the exciting research questions at MarDATA and paints a picture of the new type of "Marine Scientists" being trained there.

MarDATA has the goal of defining a new type of "Marine Data Scientists" and training them in a structured doctoral program. Scientists from computer science, information technology and mathematics work together on marine topics. This includes modeling on supercomputers, (bio-) computer science and robotics or statistics and big data methods.
„For a long time now, countless measuring instruments have been in daily use on all oceans, permanently generating data on water temperatures, salinity, nutrient concentrations and much more. Our task at MarDATA is to process these data in a useful way.“
Maria-Theresa Pelz, Alumni of MarDATA

More about the research at MarDATA
Reports about MarDATA
Read more about MarDATA and its doctoral researchers and find out how promising the combination of data science and marine research is for the future!
“Marine sciences can help us understand climate change”
Arne Biastoch is an oceanographer at GEOMAR in Kiel, where his research includes a focus on the role the powerful ocean currents system plays for our planet – and how climate change is impacting this system. Working with complex data and mathematical models is an indispensable part of this research – and a skill Biastoch is sharing with young scientists at the MarDATA Helmholtz Graduate School.
Expedition to the Northernmost Settlement in the World
Can neural networks be used to better understand changes in the ozone layer and thus predict future climate more quickly? To find out, Helge Mohn traveled to the Arctic. Those who do their doctorate at MarDATA, like him, can go on field trips and explore the world of the oceans together with researchers from a wide range of disciplines.
Even small ocean currents can have a significant impact on the climate. Sonal Rami's research at the MarDATA will help to predict these currents more accurately. By using machine learning methods, she is working on making complex ocean models even more precise - to enable more reliable predictions of climate change.
Math for the Marine Environment
Maria-Theresia Verwega is a mathematician with all her heart and she loves the sea. That's why she decided to write her PhD at MarDATA - a new, interdisciplinary research school of the Helmholtz Association where marine data scientists are trained.

Research Areas
The doctoral students conduct research in computer science, computer science or mathematics, each in connection with current issues in marine research.
- Supervision by a tandem of an expert at GEOMAR or AWI with focus on marine research and a supervisor at a partner university, who is in charge of the information and Data Science methods
- Obligatory course for a general introduction to marine science
- Compulsory block courses on methods of Information and Data Sciences: advanced scientific programming, statistics, databases, machine learning, in-depth learning, computer vision and FAIR principles (4 x 3 days)
- Further joint seminars and colloquia over the entire period
- Two one-week summer schools at international locations (e.g. at a research station of GEOMAR or AWI or on board of a research vessel)
- Enrolment in the postgraduate programs ISOS (Kiel) and POLMAR (Bremerhaven) with use of the courses offered there for scientific further education, personal competence training and comprehensive support measures with regard to networking and career development
My goal is to provide machine learning solutions for oceanography and climate modeling. At MarDATA, I get many suggestions and great feedback on my work.
Sonal Rami
is a doctoral researcher at MarDATA. The Indian Ocean scientist researches ocean currents here. Read more about her project
Funding and Duration of the Program
The program extends over three years and offers full funding. The remuneration during the term corresponds to the tariff level E13 of the TVöD.
Application and Further Information
A total of 40 doctoral positions are available, which are advertised and organized in two cohorts (20 at GEOMAR and 20 at AWI). MarDATA locations are Kiel and Bremen/Bremerhaven. The program language is English. The first cohort started in 2019 with 16 PhD students. A second round of applications will take place in 2021/2022.
Are you interested in advancing artificial intelligence and data science for a better exploration of the ocean? Then apply at MarDATA

Dr. Enno Prigge
Dr. Enno Prigge
Scientific Coodinator MarDATA
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Düsternbrooker Weg 20, Room 074
24105 Kiel
Following Partners are Involved in MarDATA
GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (leading role)
Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Universität Bremen
Constructor University
Our Doctoral Researchers

Clara Emery
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Louisa Granzow
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

System analysis in climate data"

Dilip J. Hiremath
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA


Tim Benedikt Kupke
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA


Laura Mathieu
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

- Prof. Dr. Torsten Kanzow
- Prof. Dr. Ralf Bachmayer
- Dr. Thorben Wulff

Helge Mohn
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Benson Mbani
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Martin Prinzler
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA


Sonal Rami
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA


Yousef Razeghi
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA
