Support for your data science courses:

HIDA Course Funding

Part of HIDA’s objectives is to support the Helmholtz Centers in providing training in Information and Data Science. One of our instruments to do so is the HIDA course funding – your chance to apply for financial support to realize training events in the field of Information and Data Science at your Helmholtz Center.

HIDA stimulates the development, exchange, and dissemination of knowledge in the field of information & data science across all Helmholtz Centers, and to this end promotes the education and training of Helmholtz members. Therefore, HIDA co-finances the organization of training events in order to open them to members from all Helmholtz centers.

How the HIDA Course Funding might help you

Consider the following exemplary scenarios:

  • You want to organize a course (series) at your center, but there is not enough demand to fill all course seats
  • You have a course that is in high demand, but do not have the resources to offer it in the required frequency
  • You would like to organize a training event in cooperation with one or more Helmholtz centers to connect dispersed groups
  • You would like to organize an on-site training event, but do not have the financial means to do so

HIDA course funding can be an asset in all of these scenarios. Course funding ensures that training is accessible and adaptable by maintaining small group courses, increasing the frequency of in-demand offerings, and enabling on-site learning. It supports networking across locations, fostering collaboration and shared learning. By pooling resources, it meets community-wide demand and strengthens center partnerships through collaborative projects.

Partner institutions can also benefit from funding if a Helmholtz institution is in charge of the application process.

Location for your event!

Are you looking for a location for your data science event? The HIDA Hub at Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2 facilitates exchange and networking around data science for the entire Helmholtz Association. You can book our fully equipped rooms for your data science events.

More information!



The following three categories of expenses may be covered by HIDA:

  • Travel, accommodation, trainer/ lecturer fees
  • Rental costs (for e.g. for venue or (technical) equipment)
  • Service costs for event organization, (e.g. event management or catering)    


HIDA funds max. 50% of each expense category, in total max. 2000 OR 4000 € (depending on the size / scope of the event).

The general principles of economy and frugality must be upheld.

Note: HIDA course funding is not a personal funding.


Event Formats

HIDA can help you organize a wide variety of events:

  • Courses, workshops, seminars, summer / winter schools, hackathons, colloquia, conferences, symposia, lectures, lecture series, and more.
  • The event can be held on-site, live online, online on demand or hybrid.



To be eligible for HIDA course funding, there are a few requirements that must be met.


The applicant must be part of the Helmholtz Association, and the planned event must be related to Information & Data Science. In addition, the training event must be open to the entire Helmholtz Association. The event should facilitate the development, exchange, and dissemination of data science knowledge, and an Information & Data Science network.

After successful funding decision:

  • At least 25% of the event’s seats need to bookable by all members of the Helmholtz Association for at least three weeks. Are these seats not taken within this time period, you may fill them with participants from your or your partner’s institution.
  • List the event in the HIDA Course Catalog
  • Include the HIDA logo in your marketing materials
  • Name HIDA in the event communication (“The development and implementation of this course was supported through HIDA Course Funding.

Apply now!

Are you planning an information & data science training event at your center?
Then download the application form, fill it out, and send it to HIDA.

We look forward to working with you!


If you have further questions about our course funding, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Dr. Stephanie Schworm
Training Program Manager

Dr. Anna-Lisa Döring
Training Program Manager


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