Helmholtz Career Day 2023: Chances in Data Science and IT

The Helmholtz Career Day for Data Science and IT connected qualified applicants with data science and IT backgrounds from all over the world with Helmholtz Centers and partners. This was the fourth edition of the virtual career day.
The HIDA team had been working hard to organize the fourth Helmholtz Career Day for Data Science and IT, which took place on 22.11.2023. And it was a success: 592 highly qualified participants from 58 countries attended the virtual career day.
At the Career Day, the participants had the opportunity to connect with scientists and recruiters from Helmholtz Centers and partners. The focus was on career paths in IT and data science in the six Helmholtz research fields: energy, earth & environment, health, aeronautics, space and transport, matter and information. With over 1000 registrations in the build-up to the event, the overwhelming interest in a job in these professional fields became clear.
Special highlights this time included two keynote speeches. In them, two Helmholtz scientists outlined their career paths in data science and gave career advice. Carina Haupt, head of the "Sustainable Software Engineering" group at the German Aerospace Center, encouraged the data scientists of tomorrow: “Dealing with data and software became part of all research fields. Thus, new and existing job and career possibilities emerge constantly. Find the one, which fits you!”
Dagmar Kainmüller (Max Delbrück Center) also illustrated how interesting and diverse the career paths for data scientists in science can be and explained how she solves a wide range of biomedical challenges with imaging and machine learning.
There was also a talk by Bert Heinrichs on the topic of AI and ethics. He pointed out the impact AI has on our lives and the responsibility data scientists bear.
The diverse range of topics covered and the chance to connect with professionals in the field made it a worthwhile experience.
A participant of the Career Day
In the late afternoon, there was an opportunity for scientists who had jobs and projects to offer to engage with the participants in short video chats. This resulted in almost 170 conversations in just under two hours. In addition, participants were able to find out more about the centers and partners in a virtual exhibition area - and who knows - possibly meet their future employer.
The Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy is looking forward to seeing how many participants found new jobs at the centers at this year's Career Day - please get in touch with us: hidacareerday@helmholtz.de
Facts and figures about the 4th Helmholtz Data Science Career Day 2023:
- 592 visitors
- 58 countries
- 152 networking meetings
- 223 chat messages
Did you miss a panel or were you unable to attend the conference? You can find the recordings of both the keynotes and the talk below. You can find these and other videos in this playlist.