
HMC Fair Friday

Friday, 16.08.2024 · 10 am

Speaker: Anis Koubaa, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT)

Title: The DBpedia Databus: A generic metadata store & Its integration in Data-Workflow


Enhancing data interpretation and interfacing in energy systems analysis are fundamental to making research in the energy domain more FAIR and efficient.

Data analysts often encounter heterogeneous data and incompatible definitions. Utilizing ontologies not only addresses these issues but is also essential for model coupling and semantic data analysis.

Enriching data with metadata, which describes them in a standardized manner, poses a challenge for researchers. Publishing these metadata on a generic metadata store (e.g., the databus within the open energy family) improves their discoverability by peers without altering ownership.

In this FAIRFriday session, we propose a tool to automate the publication of metadata on a databus, facilitating data registration.

We will introduce the databus service, showcase characteristics of the generated data, and present the regimo workflow.

This lecture will be held in English!

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To stimulate and support interdisciplinary exchange, the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration HMC in close cooperation with the HIDA is organising the HMC FAIR Friday lecture series. It is aimed at experienced actors in research data management as well as scientists from all research fields of the Helmholtz Association and beyond.

HMC FAIR Friday will feature talks by high-ranking national and international speakers who will bring all participants (even) closer to the world of FAIR data, deepen individual aspects and stimulate discussions.


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