
HIDA Lectures @ HIDSS4Health

Wednesday, 30.10.2024 · 02:00 pm

HIDA Lectures @ HIDSS4Health

Speaker: Christian Niklas, Heidelberg University Hospital

Date: 30.10., 02:00 pm

Title: FAIR clinical IT-infrastructure for the virtual human twin

This talk explores how the FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) can enhance clinical IT infrastructure to support the Virtual Human Twin (VHT) concept in medicine. Christian Niklas will highlight the importance of data integration, emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration and the challenges of accessing clinical data for personalized patient models. Adhering to the FAIR principles is crucial to ensuring trust and reproducibility in medical research. Real-world examples will demonstrate successful integration efforts.

The technical aspects of connecting, storing, and integrating medical data in highly regulated and technologically constrained environments will be covered, with a focus on modern storage solutions and semantic web technologies. The emphasis is on fostering a sustainable and interoperable IT infrastructure within protected data spaces, bridging the gap between clinical practice and computational modeling. The ultimate objective is to advance personalized and systems medicine by promoting collaboration among diverse stakeholders.

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Christian Niklas

Christian Niklas is a clinical anaesthetist, as well as a postdoctoral researcher in medical informatics at Heidelberg University Hospital.

With a background in electrophysiology he moved to computational physiology and ended up in data integration for the clinical realm. His current research is focussed on semantic and syntactic interoperability for high resolution real-world data, as well as numerical modelling.



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