HIDA Annual Conference
Data Science & Health: "Next-generation biomedical image analysis competitions"
HIDA Lectures @ HEIBRiDS
Programming with R
German Reproducibility Day
Data Science Colloquium: Machine Learning for X-Ray and cryo EM at SLAC
HIP Winter School 2021
AI-Hero Hackathon on Energy Efficient AI
Data Science Seminar: Statistical Recovery of Compositional Discrete Structures
7th International Autumn School on AI and Big Data
ML@Hereon 35: A Rare Case of Medium Range Weather Forecasting Well Done with Resnets
2. Helmholtz Open Science Forum: Helmholtz in der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI)
First steps in Python-Programming
Python from 0 to Data Analysis for KIT
Introduction to Supercomputing at JSC - Theory & Practice
HIDA Lectures@HEIBRiDS: The Data Donation Project - How wearable sensors can help in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis
HIDA Lectures@HDS-LEE: Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, with Examples in Fluid Mechanics
MarDATA Online Lecture Series: "Marine Data Visualization: Ocean Data View"
61th Online Seminar: Open Access Publishing – Zooming in on Copyright and CC Licenses
ELLIS Life/NCT Data Science Seminar: Machine Learning for Single Cell Omics
CfA: campusSOURCE Award 2022
TEACH - Talk about Education Across Communities in Helmholtz
ORCID DE Online-Seminar "Persistent Identifier in Publikations- und Affiliationsrichtlinien"
Data Science Colloquium | Prof. Kutyniok | “Deep Learning meets Shearlets: Explainable Hybrid Solvers for Inverse Problems in Imaging Science"
ML@Hereon episode 35: "One column, many steps"
Women in Data Science: Prof Julia Schnabel
Helmholtz Open Science Praxisforum Forschungsdatenmanagement
Applying Data Science
Programming with Python
Programming with R
GitLab for Software Development in Teams
Project Management with GitLab (Cancelled)
Test Automation with Python (Rescheduled)
ML@HZDR Symposium 2021
CASUS Annual Workshop 2021 - "Digital Twins of Complex Systems"
62. Helmholtz Open Science Online-Seminar: Die IPCC FAIR Datenrichtlinien aus der Sicht des IPCC Data Distribution Centres (DDC)
Einführung in Python
Data Science Colloquium | Prof. Gohlke | “Enzyme function - much to understand, optimize, and discover"
Introduction to Scalable Deep Learning
Helmholtz GPU Hackathon 2022
6. ORCID DE: ORCID in erweiterten Kontexten – Ergebnisse und Ausblick von persistenten Identifiern in Wissenschaft und Kultur
Version Control with Git
Artificial Intelligence in Digital Health (AIDHeal)
Data Science & Health: "Trends and Topics in Text Analytics"
Data Science & Health: "Combinatorial Optimization Techniques for Bioimaging"
Data Science & Health: "Machine Learning for Genomics"
Data Science & Health: "Introduction to Visual Data Science"
Foundations of Research Software Publication
Test Automation with Python
Test Automation with Python
GitLab for Software Development in Teams
Introduction to Git and GitLab
Helmholtz AI special edition seminar - Joris van Eijnatten
Information Event on HIDA Researcher Grants
Introduction to Shell + Git + GitLab
First Steps in Python
Software Carpentry (Shell, Git, R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis)
Data Science Colloquium | Prof. Noé | “Deep Learning for Molecular Physics"
HIDA Lecture @ HIDSS4Health
Introduction to parallel programming with MPI and OpenMP
Data Carpentry: Genomics
ML@Hereon Episode 39: "Extreme Events, Modest Models"
63rd Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar
Introduction to R & Statistical Models with R
Infosession for Helmholtz Scientists - Become a Host for the HIDA Research Grants
RDA Deutschland Tagung 2022
Data Science Jobs for Health @ Helmholtz
Graphics with R
ML@Hereon Episode 40: "Foiled Again?"
DLR OpenSearch Colloquium: Information Extraction and Entity Linking for Semantic Web Search
2. Helmholtz Open Science Forum: Forschungssoftware
Science Communication - Write Your Own Blog
Introduction to Shell + Git + GitLab
ML@Hereon Episode 41: "Futureproof your training data"
Data Carpentry: Ecology with Python
Reproducibility for Matter Research - Reproducibility in Research by R4E
Reproducibility for Matter Research - Foundation of Research Software Publication
Introduction to Statistics
Mixed Models
64th Online Seminar: OpenAlex
Multivariate Statistics
Introduction to R
Graphics with R
Introduction to Statistics
Multivariate Statistics
Helmholtz AI Virtual Roadshow
HMC FAIR Friday in coop. with HIDA
ML@Hereon Episode 42: Paint-by-numbers - Connect the little dots to forecast weather
Helmholtz Open Science Forum: Open Science und Transfer
Introduction to Python (3)
Analyzing and Visualizing Geospatial Data with MATLAB
Data Science with MATLAB
Software Development Practices with MATLAB
Fundamentals of scientific metadata - why context matters
Mixed Models
Version control using Git and RStudio
Imaging - From Organisms to Molecules
HMC FAIR Friday in coop. with HIDA
Statistical Models with R
Imaging - From Organisms to Molecules
Imaging - From Organisms to Molecules
Imaging - From Organisms to Molecules
Imaging - From Organisms to Molecules
Imaging - From Organisms to Molecules
Imaging - From Organisms to Molecules
First Steps in Python
HIDA Lectures @ HEIBRiDS: Title: "The Data Donation Project - How wearable sensors can help in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis"
Helmholtz AI Conference 2022
Helmholtz Imaging Conference 2022
ML@Hereon: Episode 45 "Data-driven discovery of Governing Equations"
Data Science Colloquium on Aprilr 21st, 2021 | “Statistical Challenges in Protein Dynamics Modelling”
Helmholtz AI CountMeIn Challenge
ML@Hereon: Episode 46 "Mapping to the Windows"
HMC FAIR Friday in coop. with HIDA
EU Reform Research Assessment
Helmholtz Entrepreneurs – From Idea to I Did
Incubator Summer Academy - From Zero to Hero
Applying Data Science
Enabling reproducibility in data science - learn why it matters and how you can do it
Introduction to OOP in Python
Continuous Integration in GitLab
MLE School 2022
TEACH 2 - Open Up!
HMC FAIR Friday in coop. with HIDA
First steps in Python
Visual Communication of Science
Continuous Integration in GitLab
AI, Neuroscience and Hardware: From Neural to Artificial Systems and Back Again
Data Science Colloquium on June 23rd, 2022 | HIDA Lectures @ DASHH | “Leveraging AI for Science"
A Crash Course on Semantics and Knowledge Representation
Enterprise Data Landscapes: Data Lakes and Data Marketplaces
Dimension-reduction and data visualisation; applications and challenges in single-cell biology
Carpentries Workshop on Genomics
HMC FAIR Friday in coop. with HIDA
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to Python
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to Git
Incubator Summer Academy: Sharing Scientific Software Solutions Across Tools and Domains with Helmholtz Imaging Solutions
Incubator Summer Academy: Reproducible Data Science
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to Gitlab
Incubator Summer Academy: Data Science with Python (Pandas)
Incubator Summer Academy: Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata
Incubator Summer Academy: Data Challenge
Incubator Summer Academy: HIDA Networking event
ML@Hereon: Episode 49 "Recovering Ancient History"
Survival Analysis
Incubator Summer Academy: Helmholtz Career Corner
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to GitLab CI
Incubator Summer Academy: Visualization with Python (matplotlib)
Incubator Summer Academy: Machine Learning-Based Biomedical Image Analysis
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to Machine Learning
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to Napari
Incubator Summer Academy: Machine Learning for Instance Segmentation and Tracking
Incubator Summer Academy: Helmholtz Imaging for you!
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to Statistical Learning
Incubator Summer Academy: Foundations of Research Software Publication
Incubator Summer Academy: Helmholtz Entrepreneurs: From Idea to I did
Incubator Summer Academy: Imaging Metadata
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to Deep Learning
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to Statistical Learning
2nd AI-Hero Hackathon on Energy Efficient AI
Incubator Summer Academy: Opening session
Incubator Summer Academy: Introduction to Git
Fundamentals of scientific metadata: why context matters
Fundamentals of scientific metadata: why context matters
First steps in Python
Object-oriented Programming in Python
Helmholtz Career Day for Data Science and IT
Foundations of Research Software Publication
Software Carpentry (Software Carpentry (Shell, Git, R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis)
Helmholtz Open Science Forum: Publikationskostenmanagement
Meeting on EOSC Task Forces and exchange with EOSC Secretariat on the EOSC Focus project
2nd Practice Forum Research Data Management
3. Helmholtz Open Science Forum: Forschungssoftware
Scientific Data Curation in Research Field Matter
Scientific Data Curation in Research Field Matter (Basics)
On-site AI consultance event at Forschungszentrum Jülich
65th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar
Hackathon - Developing New Battery Strategies
First Steps in Python
Data Science & Health
Introduction to Indico
HMC FAIR Friday in coop. with HIDA
Computational Health Seminar: Dana Pe'er
Directions in Interpretability - Ruth Fong (HEIBRiDS Lecture Series)
14th Data Science Colloquium | "Investigating Solid-Liquid Interfaces Using High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials"
Introduction to OOP in Python
Using Containers in Science
15th Data Science Colloquium | "Building Foundations for Scientific Machine Learning at Scale"
66th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar
Reconstructing brain sources and their interactions from M/EEG recordings - Stefan Haufe (HEIBRiDS Lecture Series)
Becoming a Scientific Writer - Putting Why before How
Introduction to R
Software Carpentry (Shell, Git, Plotting and Programming in Python)
Statistical Models with R
Introduction to Statistics
Graphics with R
Multivariate Statistics 1
Mixed Models
Introduction to Statistics using Python
Introduction to R
Statistical Models with R
Graphics with R
Multivariate Statistics 1
Multivariate Statistics 2
Introduction to OOP in Python
First Steps in Python
Foundations of Research Software Publication
Introduction to Git and GitLab
Ingmar Posner: Learning to Perceive and to Act – Disentangling Tales from (Structured) Latent Space - HEIBRiDS lecture series
Convolutional Neural Networks - a Big Picture Introduction
Love your data? Make it reproducible! A workshop on reproducibility in data science
Introduction to Indico (Event Management)
Data Processing with Pandas
Generating Plots with Matplotlib
First Steps in Python
Data Carpentry Genomics
HiRSE Seminar Series - Jupyter Notebooks for RSE and HPC
HMC FAIR Friday with Britta Dreyer
HiRSE Seminar Series - Community Building for Research Software Engineering through Podcasting
Software Carpentry (Shell, Git, R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis)
Software Development Practices with MATLAB
Parallel Computing with MATLAB
HiRSE Seminar Series - 'Scientific software on the permanent edge of production'
Continuous Integration in GitLab
Software Carpentry Workshop at KIT
Helmholtz Open Science Forum “Scholar-led-Publishing in Helmholtz”
Incubator Summer Academy
Helmholtz Open Science Forum “Research Evaluation, Reputation Systems, and Openness”
RSE Bootcamp Part 1/3: Python
Helmholtz Open Science Forum “Research Evaluation, Reputation Systems, and Openness”
Six Main Tasks in Image Processing
5th Summer School in Medical Physics 2023: Data Science and Machine Learning in Radiotherapy
HiRSE Seminar Series - Increasing the visibility of Research Software: the Helmholtz Research Software Directory.
Ocean/Atmosphere Time Series Analysis: Theory and Practice
2nd AI-HERO Hackathon on Energy-Efficient AI
Data Analysis Intensive
HiRSE Seminar Series - Code execution during peer review: CODECHECK and RSE reviewers.
RSE Bootcamp Part 2: Version control & project management
Software Carpentry (Shell, Git, Plotting and Programming in Python)
RSE Bootcamp Part 2/3: Version control & project management
First Steps in Python
HiRSE Seminar Series - Leveraging the SQAaaS platform to adopt and get recognition for quality practices in software development.
Helmholtz Entrepreneurs: From Idea to I Did - Turn your Data Science into Business
HiRSE Seminar: Can Software Metrics Improve Software Quality?
KCDS Summer School 2023 on Stochastic and Hybrid Modeling
3. Helmholtz Open Science Forum on the NFDI: Inside Perspectives from the Centers
Show me the Data: From Data to Insights and Stories with Visualizations
HiRSE Seminar Series - Can Software Metrics Improve Software Quality?
Knowledge Representation with the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graphs
Introduction to Python
Helmholtz TEACH Conference
RSE Bootcamp Part 3: Continuous Integration (CI)
4. Open Science Forum Forschungssoftware
CERN/NASA Summit: “Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science”
Deep Learning - Recent Advances in Kernel Methods for Neural Networks
Reproducibility in Science (Course package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Introduction to Statistical Learning (Course package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Python (Course package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Introduction to Machine Learning (Course package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Introduction to Explainable AI and ML Fairness (Course package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Machine Learning- based Image Analysis (Course package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Introduction to Deep Learning (Course package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Version Control & Project Management (Package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Introduction to Scientific Metadata (Course Package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Machine Learning for Instance Segmentation (Package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Continuous Integration (Course package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Regularization in Image Reconstruction: From Model to Data Driven (Course package at Incubator Summer Academy)
Entrepreneurship: From Idea to I did (Course package at Incubator Summer Academy)
First steps in Python
MLE Days 2023 - Summer School and Conference for Machine Learning in Engineering
Humboldt IP Days
1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRID)
open-access.network: Workshop "Finanzierungsströme für die Open-Access-Transformation – Überblick und Stand der Diskussion"
Forum: Bericht zur Entwicklung bzw. Implementierung von Forschungsdaten-Policies in Helmholtz 2023
Satelliten-Konferenz „Wissenschaftsgeleitetes Open-Access-Publizieren“ zu den Open-Access-Tagen 2023
Workshop zum Thema "PIDs für Textpublikationen"
Helmholtz Open Science Office auf dem 4. Helmholtz Sustainability Summit
19th HiRSE Seminar - 'Research Software, Software Research, and more'
Building and Manage Events on events.hifis.net
Helmholtz Reproducibility Workshop
20th HiRSE Seminar - All you need to know about Software Licenses as an Research Software Engineer (RSE)
First Steps in Python
Pandas + Matplotlib
Helmholtz Career Day for Data Science and IT
The future of governing equations (HIDA Lecture @ HEIBRIDS)
MarDATA Online Lecture Series: "Deep Learning from Heterogeneous Big Geospatial Data"
"Data Science & Health" Lecture Series
22nd HiRSE Seminar - Enabling Open and Reproducible Science Through Community-Driven Training with The Carpentries
Fundamentals of scientific metadata: why context matters
67th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar
Helmholtz Reproducibility Workshop
Online-Workshop: Monitoring von Forschungsdaten-Publikationen – Stand und Perspektive
Virtuelle Podiumsdiskussion „Offene Infrastrukturen für Open Science“
MarDATA Online Lecture Series: Creating Probabilistic Forecasts Using Interpretable Machine Learning
21st HiRSE Seminar: Docs-as-code: how to write documentation with developers.
HMC FAIR Friday - The WorldFAIR project
Artificial Intelligence – Opportunities and Risks for Applications in Sustainability and Healthcare
Software Carpentry (Shell, Git, Programming with R)
23rd HiRSE Seminar - 'US-RSE: Envisioning the Next Stage and Defining Next Steps'
Introduction to R
Graphics with R
Statistical Models with R
Introduction to Statistics
First steps with Python
Test Event
Second Forum on Open Science and Transfer
Helmholtz 2024 GPU Hackathon
68th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar: Science Tracking
Software Carpentry Workshop (Shell, Git, Programming with R)
Survival Analysis - How to analyze time-to-event data
24th HiRSE Seminar - 'Best practice made easy: Deploying tools for FAIR research software development'.
Kickstart Shell & Git
Towards Open Digital Research Ecosystems – Interconnecting Infrastructures
Towards Open Digital Research Ecosystems – Interconnecting Infrastructures
Multivariate Statistics 1
Multivariate Statistics 2
Mixed Models
Introduction to R
Introduction to Statistics
Graphics with R
Statistical Models with R
Mixed Models
First Steps with Python
Kickstart Python
First Steps with Python
Kickstart R
First Steps with Python
Kickstart Shell & Git
Data processing with Pandas & Data plotting with Matplotlib
Data processing with Pandas & Data plotting with Matplotlib
Data processing with Pandas & Data plotting with Matplotlib
Data processing with Pandas & Data plotting with Matplotlib
Data processing with Pandas & Data plotting with Matplotlib
Kickstart Python
Kickstart Python
First Steps with Python
Kickstart Shell & Git
Kickstart R
HMC FAIR Friday: The eFAIRs project - Enhancing FAIRness in seismological data management with Dr. Angelo Stroll
25th HiRSE Seminar - What RSEs should know about software citation.
Introduction to Git and GitLab
Introduction to Git and GitLab
Introduction to Git and GitLab
Introduction to Git and GitLab
Foundations of Research Software Publication
Foundations of Research Software Publication
Continuous Integration (CI)
Continuous Integration (CI)
Continuous Integration (CI)
Analyzing and Visualizing Geospatial Data with MATLAB
Data Science with MATLAB
Clean Code Practices with MATLAB for Sustainable Research Software
Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata: Why Context Matters
Software Carpentry Workshop (Shell, Git, R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis )
26th HiRSE Seminar - JOSS: A journal for open source software that is an open source software project.
HIDA Lecture Series "AI and Large Language Models" - ChatGPT's Backgrounds: Exploring the World of Large Language Models
HIDA Lecture Series "AI and Large Language Models" - Ethical considerations on hate speech and AI
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
27th HiRSE Seminar - Dr Matthias Kiesselbach (DFG) - 'Research Assessment – the international reform discussions, and DFG‘s position'
Helmholtz Imaging Conference 2024
AI for Life Scientists: from Basics to Applications
HIDA Lecture Series "AI and Large Language Models" - Contextualizing LLMs – What are the social and ethical implications?
16th Data Science Colloquium | "Neural Approaches to Optimal Transport"
HMC FAIR Friday: HELIPORT & ALAMEDA: Two platforms to ease your reasearch project & metadata management life!
RSE Summer School 2024
69th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar - Open Hardware: Bringing scientific instruments back into the open science conversation
Fundamentals of scientific metadata: why context matters
Mixed Models
Helmholtz Summer School - From Data to Knowledge
Basics of Python
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen sicher nutzen mit Creative Commons Lizenzen
HMC FAIR Friday: Discipline-specific options and standardized output of F-UJI with Dr. Robert Huber
29th HiRSE Seminar - Learnings from SURESOFT - Research Software Engineering Beyond Tooling.
Applications of computer vision in dentistry
Data Science Unlocked: Helmholtz Platforms Roadshow
HIDA Lecture @MarDATA: "Leveraging Digital Twins in Ocean Science: Bridging Real-World Systems and their Virtual Simulations"
Scientists – The Secret Heroes of the Startup World
MarDATA Workshop: "Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation: Concepts, Methods, and Hands-On Tutorials"
Low-rank Methods in Visual Computing and Machine Learning
31st HiRSE Seminar: 'Research Software Engineering and Software Engineering Research: Bridging Knowledge Gaps'
HiRSE Seminar: 'Better Software Architecture, Better Software, Better Research' by Professor Wilhelm Hasselbring
HIDA Lecture Series "AI and Large Language Models" - Challenges and Threats in Generative AI: Exploits and Misuse
KCDS Workshop on Data Processing and Data Assimilation 2024
Helmholtz Summer School: Introduction to FAIR and Reusability of Scientific Data
Helmholtz Summer School: Introduction to Scientific Metadata
Helmholtz Summer School: Introduction to Machine Learning with scikit-learn
Helmholtz Summer School: Introduction to Statistical Learning
Helmholtz Summer School: Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) in ML
Helmholtz Summer School: Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Helmholtz Summer School: A practical guide to dimensionality reduction
Helmholtz Summer School: Large Language Models
Helmholtz Summer School: Regularization in Image Reconstruction: From Model to Data Driven Methods
Helmholtz Summer School: Introduction to Image Registration
Helmholtz Summer School: 3D visualization
Helmholtz Summer School: First steps with Python
Helmholtz Summer School: Time-dependent Generative Models
Helmholtz Summer School: Fantastic Vision Language Models and how to compress them
Helmholtz Summer School: Data processing with Pandas & Data plotting with Matplotlib
Helmholtz Summer School: Entrepreneurship: From Idea to I did
Helmholtz Summer School: Introduction to Git and GitLab
Helmholtz Summer School: Continuous Integration with GitLab
Helmholtz Summer School: Fairness in Machine Learning
HMC FAIR Friday: The origin of data – The relevance of provenance in the context of FAIR
ChatGPT & Gen AI Training for Researchers
RainQuest Hackathon: Precipitation Estimation from Weather Radar Data
Helmholtz Summer School: From Idea to I Did: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs
RainQuest Hackathon: Precipitation Estimation from Weather Radar Data
Introduction to Machine Learning
HIDA Lecture Series "AI and Large Language Models" - ChatGPT in Action: Enhancing Your Workflow
HIDA Lecture: “Empowering Women Entrepreneurs”
Deep Learning in Inverse Problems Workshop
Paris Conference on Open Research Information
RDA 23rd Plenary Meeting
32nd HiRSE Seminar - Helmholtz Software Award 2023: the winners present their software.
Research Ethics in the Age of AI: Embracing Openness as a Path Forward
MSS & JARA CSD Workshop
Helmholtz Summer School - From Data to Knowledge
Introduction to R
Test Event für Jonas
Coping with Stress at the University and Beyond
4. Helmholtz Reproducibility Workshop
Introduction to Git and GitLab
Introduction to Machine Learning
Data processing with Pandas & Data plotting with Matplotlib
Research Ethics in the Age of AI: Embracing Openness as a Path Forward
Kickstart Python
Introduction to Statistics
HIDA Lecture Series "AI and Large Language Models" - ChatGPT in Action: Enhancing Your Workflow
HIDA Lecture “Empowering Women Entrepreneurs”
HIDA Lecture Series "AI and Large Language Models" - TrustLLM - Towards Trustworthy and Factual Language Models
HIDA Lecture Series "AI and Large Language Models" - A Short Introduction to Efficient Natural Language Processing
Register here to be informed about open course seats
Hackathon „Hearts Gym” 2024
Introduction to Git and GitLab
Mixed Models
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Data processing with Pandas & Data plotting with Matplotlib
Continuous Integration (CI)
Foundations of Research Software Publication
Statistical Models with R
Kickstart R
Kickstart Shell & Git
Graphics with R
First Steps with Python
Data Science & Health Lecture Series
Version Control using Git and RStudio
Data Science & Health Lecture Series
Where-To-Play Market Explorer
34th HiRSE Seminar - Mihaela Jarema (Mathworks) - 'Journey to FAIR Research Software with MATLAB'
35th HiRSE Seminar - Ann Gledson (University of Manchester) - 'Agile Methods for RSEs'
Legal Challenges in Setting up your Start-up: Pitfalls, Obstacles and Best Practices
Mixed Models
Multivariate Statistics 2
3rd International Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Accelerators (RL4AA’25)
Legal Challenges in Setting up your Start-up: Pitfalls, Obstacles and Best Practices
HMC FAIR Friday: HERMES: FAIRer Software Publication Through Richer Metadata
MarDATA workshop "Transformers and Generative AI"
Legal Challenges in Setting up your Start-up: Pitfalls, Obstacles and Best Practices
Legal Challenges in Setting up your Start-up: Pitfalls, Obstacles and Best Practices
matRad User Meeting & Hackathon 2025
Helmholtz Open Science Office – Enabling Open Science at Helmholtz
36th HiRSE Seminar - 'The Teaching RSE project - Towards a professionalisation of RSE Education'
HIDA Lecture: The Ethics of AI: Foundations of Applied Ethics and Emerging Risks from AI Development
HIDA Lecture: Machine Learning for Precision Medicine: Avenues and Roadblocks
4. Helmholtz Reproducibility Workshop
First Steps in Python
1. Forum Helmholtz Research Data Commons
37th HiRSE Seminar - 'Integrated Continuous Benchmarking'
HIDA Lecture: Large-Scale Brain Decoding - Taking Advantage of Physiological Diversity
Market Mastery: Identifying Ideal Customers and Effective Online Marketing Strategies
Introduction to R
Introduction to Git and GitLab
Reusability of Scientific Data
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Lecture: AI and the Future of Research: Stakeholders, Process, and Practices
Workshop: What Will it Take to Succeed at Research? Taking Reproducibility to Action for Transformative AI-and Data-enabled Scientific Research
Computational Genomics
4. Helmholtz Open Science Forum on the NFDI: Helmholtz Contributions to FAIRness and Data Quality
Kickstart R
Kickstart Shell & Git
First Steps in Python
Overview of AI's Parallelization Methods in Supercomputers
Introduction to Statistics
70th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar
Software Quality Assurance at Helmholtz - 6. Helmholtz Research Software Forum
Continuous Integration (CI)
Graphics with R
Kickstart Python
Introduction to Machine Learning
Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata for Health
Mixed Models
Introduction to Machine Learning